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Experience Review Framework

Experiential Learning Review Framework 

I created this innovative framework as part of my role as a Content Analyst at SNHU in the Office of Product and Program Innovation.  The goal of this framework was to:


  1. Identify and evaluate experiential learning opportunities that are relevant to the university's student population and align with academic credit requirements.


Note: To comply with confidentiality agreements, I cannot provide visuals of or access to this content.


Tools: Online Researching Tools, PowerBI, MS Excel, MS Word, Canva

Project Summary 

​ There are so many students with valuable knowledge gained outside the classroom. Maybe they've worked in a job or industry for 20 years, earned a unique certification, or completed other experiential learning opportunities. The university already had a list of experiences that students could earn credit from. Many included industry certifications, exams, and company-specific training programs. These are incredibly impactful, and in my role as Content Analyst, I helped double the number of similar opportunities that students could earn credit for. 


However, I was tasked with pushing that idea further.  The question I was asked to answer was: 


"How can students earn academic credit for knowledge they've gained through their non-academic work and life experiences?"   


What was most exciting about this project was looking at experiential learning from a knowledge angle compared to an academic angle. This led me to professional licenses. People earn licenses for many jobs, from barbers and massage therapists to EMTs and contractors. While these licenses may not come from institutions accredited by the Department of Education, they often have state and/or federal regulations that dictate minimum requirements. 


​This was where my research started. To develop this framework, I had to narrow my focus and ask myself some questions. 

Who am I trying to help? 
How do I tie this to academics?
What will have the biggest impact?
What is the end goal?


The outcome of this framework was twofold. First was the document itself. I laid out the process in a user-friendly visual created with Canva,. This ensures it can be repeated for future experiential learning reviews.


Second, was the database it created. Following this process provided a unique vetted list of external learning opportunities that align with the university's academic standards and can be accepted for academic credit. This ensures that students have access to diverse and high-quality experiential learning options that are relevant to their goals, ultimately enhancing their educational experience and increasing the university's ability to meet their needs. 


​Demonstrated Skills ​


Creativity | Design-Thinking | User Experience Principles | Innovation | Logical Thinking | Research | Analysis | Written Communication | Problem-Solving | Critical Thinking | Attention to Detail | Empathy



Initial License Review

  • Researched professions that require licenses licenses.

  • Identified 6 professions where licenses are required in all 50 states.


Target Market Analysis

  • Analyzed learner demographics to identify the target market.

  • Identified top 6 states where learners come from. 


​​License Research

  • Evaluated requirements in each of the target market states for each of the 6 licenses. This included: license title, requirements, cost, exam/assessment, learning standards (if available), and suggested equates (if possible). ​


Hone Focus

  • Selected one license based on previous research, licensure requirements, cost, and likelihood of potential equate.​​


Skill Identification

  • Researched skills and competencies required to be successful in the role (21st century skills and job-specific skills).​​


Potential Course Equivalencies

  • Performed contextual review of courses with similar skills, competencies, and outcomes (course title, description, and outcomes).

  • Identifed top 5 courses that potentially equate to the chosen license.​​


Finalize Course Equate

  • Used previous research to narrow down potential equivalent courses to one. 

  • Considered contextual review research, impact to learners,  and likelihood of academic approval.

  • Completed typical comparative analysis and documented findings.​


Subject Matter Expert Review

  • Recommended experience for subject matter expert review according to typical process. ​​​

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