Knowledge Management System
ERG Knowledge Management System Development
Comprehensive updates to the existing leadership onboarding guidebook
Creation of branded templates for important tasks including a budget form, a strategic plan document, a leadership meeting agenda, and meeting planning documents.
Documentation of important processes including a member meeting preparation process and timeline, how to request funds, and how to manage the Microsoft Team channel.
Implemented membership, meeting attendance, and satisfaction metrics.
Multimedia marketing materials
Creation of SharePoint website
Implementation of file management system and naming conventions.
Note: To comply with confidentiality agreements, I cannot provide visuals of or access to the content described in this section.
Tools: SharePoint, Qualtrics, Canva, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel
This was a voluntary project that I took on as an officer/leader of Southern New Hampshire University's (SNHU) first Employee Resource Group (ERG) from 2021-2023. In my first 6 months, I identified multiple gaps in knowledge and documentation for officers that could be improved to help the group run smoother. I updated existing documentation, created new documentation, and documented frequent processes. The outcomes of my work for the ERG were:
Leadership Onboarding Guidebook Updates
Project Summary ​
As the only officer who transitioned from year one to year two of the ERG, I recognized the challenges faced by new leaders. Drawing on my experience, I took the initiative to address these issues by proposing that we improve the existing guidebook to be more comprehensive; not only documenting what an ERG is, but also providing tangible information about our workflows and resources.
After discussing the idea with fellow leaders and receiving positive feedback from our leadership, I took the lead in refining our existing guidebook. This involved structuring it in a more user-friendly format, adding features such as a Table of Contents, expanding the information it provided, and direct links to resources.
I streamlined the internal processes and provided valuable resources for future ERG leaders, contributing to the continued success of the group.
Demonstrated Skills
Concise Communication | Visual Design | Research | Organization | Project Management | Empathy |
Customer-Centric Approach | Attention to Detail | Collaboration | Feedback Incorporation | Adaptability | Creativity
Branded Templates
Project Summary
I developed the first set of branded templates, essential for upholding consistency and professionalism across all ERG communication materials. While the ERG's logo was crafted by members in its inaugural year and accompanied by the university’s style guide, adherence to these standards was not yet common among ERG leaders.
To streamline this process, I seamlessly integrated our logo, colors, and fonts into headers, footers, and other design components across various document types, including presentations, reports, and planning documentation. Each template was accompanied by detailed guidelines to ensure ease of use while maintaining brand consistency. Branded templates that I created include:​
Strategic Planning Document
Budget Request Document
Leadership Meeting Agenda
Certificate of Appreciation
By introducing these branded templates, I established a user-friendly resource for both current and future ERG leaders to create communication materials that reinforce our brand identity and leave a unified impression on our audience.
Demonstrated Skills: ​
Creativity | Design-Thinking | User Experience Principles | Exceed Expectations |Plain Language Concepts | Logical Thinking |Research | Analysis | Written Communication |Problem-Solving | Critical Thinking | Attention to Detail | Empathy
Process Documentation
Project Summary
After creating the branded templates, I saw an opportunity to enhance clarity and efficiency in our ERG's operations. I led the development and documentation of processes. Starting with an assessment of our workflows, I pinpointed areas for improvement.
One such area was budget requests, which were rarely discussed despite available funds. When we wanted to purchase swag to grow support for the ERG, we lacked guidance. I spearheaded the project by meeting with leadership, who revealed their uncertainty about the process too. Subsequently, a lengthy process ensued, involving multiple meetings with budget personnel, and learning how to navigate the submission process. Despite obtaining this knowledge, it took additional time to process the vendor payment.
Recognizing the need for improvement, I meticulously documented the entire process. This documentation was shared with leadership and subsequently made available to future ERGs, ensuring smoother operations, and avoiding similar delays in the future. ​Along with the budget request processes, some of the most notable processes I created and/or documented were: ​
Membership Tracking & Maintenance
Member Meeting Planning & Timeline
Member Meeting Attendance Tracking & Maintenance
Member Meeting Feedback Collection & Tracking
Leadership Communication Best Practices
Membership Communication Best Practices
Email Inbox Management
Setting Up New ERG Email
Creating and documenting processes led to improved efficiency in planning, clearer communication and participation expectations, implementation of data tracking to inform future initiatives, and streamlined routine tasks.
Demonstrated Skills
Analytical Skills | Process Mapping | Attention to Detail | Communication | Collaboration |
Problem-Solving | Technical Proficiency | Quality Assurance
Data Tracking Implementation
Project Summary ​
I observed that while the foundational elements of the ERG were in place, effective data tracking was lacking. As an analytical minded person who loves using data to inform my work, I recognized the importance of optimizing our data management practices. At the time, the ERG utilized Qualtrics for gathering contact and demographic information from members upon registration, however, they weren’t using it. Given my proficiency with data analysis, I volunteered to spearhead the enhancement of our data tracking system. With Qualtrics as the primary data repository and limited alternatives such as Microsoft Excel, I devised a straightforward solution to consolidate and synthesize this data. Establishing and maintaining an Excel spreadsheet, I combined meeting attendance records, current number of members, and meeting details. This provided a space for current and future leaders to easily review past information.
This synthesized information proved invaluable in shaping our Strategic Plan, guiding our marketing, and informed our meeting topics.
Demonstrated Skills
Analytical Skills | Process Mapping | Attention to Detail | Communication | Collaboration | Problem-Solving | Technical Proficiency | Quality Assurance
Marketing Materials
Project Summary ​
A previous ERG leader told me the best way to engage members in the MS Teams community, especially when promoting meetings, was to keep it short, include a call to action, and ALWAYS include an engaging visual. This would help boost engagement and awareness of meetings because they stood out from other content. Using Canva and creativity, I created small, Instagram post sized visuals that aligned with ERG brand specific fonts and colors. I experimented with static designs and animated graphics to engage the audience. ​
These visuals resonated well with the audience, driving awareness and fostering a sense of community among employees. Success was determined by meeting attendance which highlighted the effectiveness of designing compelling marketing materials and reinforcing brand identity within the organization.
Demonstrated Skills
Analytical Skills | Process Mapping | Attention to Detail | Communication | Collaboration | Problem Solving | Technical Proficiency | Quality Assurance
Creation of SharePoint Website
Project Summary ​
As the ERG gained traction and our influence within the organization grew, it became evident that we needed a structured landing space to showcase our initiatives and resources to members and non-members alike. To capitalize on our momentum, we decided to establish a formal online presence through a SharePoint website. Taking the lead, I spearheaded the creation process, ensuring that the site was tailored to meet our specific goals and seamlessly integrated into the organization's existing internal knowledge base. I meticulously curated content for the site, including a comprehensive group overview, archives of past meeting recordings, membership details, and up-to-date event information.
Additionally, I optimized the structure of our resources in MS Teams to facilitate smooth access and navigation across both platforms, ensuring that members could easily find what they needed, regardless of the platform they preferred.
To generate awareness and drive participation, I implemented a strategic promotion plan. Leveraging various communication channels such as Teams ​and organizational announcements, I actively promoted the SharePoint site, highlighting its benefits and encouraging employees to engage with our content. This proactive approach not only boosted engagement but also enhanced the visibility of the ERG within the organization, garnering support from both leadership and peers alike.
The SharePoint site showcased our initiatives, enhancing our visibility and earning support from leadership and peers. Serving as a repository of knowledge, it fostered inclusivity, innovation, and a sense of belonging within the organization.
Demonstrated Skills
Analytical Skills | Process Mapping | Attention to Detail | Communication | Collaboration | Problem-Solving | Technical Proficiency | Quality Assurance
File Management and Naming Conventions
Project Summary ​
Every knowledge management system needs to be structured in a logical way that is easily searchable. I reviewed the leadership Microsoft Teams channel, and folders were separated out by fiscal year. This made sense in the first year of the ERG because leadership terms followed closely to the fiscal year timeline, give or take a month or two, because of the budget management aspect of the role.
After the first year, it became clear that the amount of time needed to onboard, create a strategic plan, plan meetings, and implement initiatives that were sustainable past the one-year leadership cycle, was longer than expected. That meant a new file management structure was needed to better align with longer-term initiatives and plans.
I collaborated with the Executive Sponsor and current officers to identify how wecould better manage files with the newfound understanding of long-term success. I restructured the system as follows:
​A planning folder that was specific to each years' leadership team
A meeting folder where final documents would be placed for each member meeting
A data and feedback folder where relevant data (such as membership tracking, meeting attendance, member feedback, etc.) would be housed and accessed by current and future leaders for ongoing success tracking
A strategic planning folder that held all previous and future strategic plans so each new leadership team could easily identify what had already been completed and focused on
A new leadership welcome folder that holds the guidebook and any relevant information needed to get started as a leader
A budget folder that houses the budget management spreadsheet and any previous, current, or pending requests with appropriate documentation
A folder for branded templates of common documentation such as meeting notes, budget form, swag request, meeting planning, etc
A How-To, Job Aid, and Toolkit folder that holds step-by-step instructions of relevant processes and technologies
On top of restructuring the folder setup, I also created a file and folder naming conventions. I kept folder names simple and straightforward. For example:
"FY22 Planning Notes"
"Strategic Plans"
Depending on what files would be stored in each folder, I created subfolders that were equally simple. For example, in the "Meetings" folder, I separated out each meeting into its own folder that was titled with the topic and date for easy identification and search. For example:
"Allyship Panel - Jan 1 2022 "
"Black History Month - Feb 1 2022"
"What's in a Name - Mar 1 2022"
The document naming structure was also similar to avoid confusion. The "Meetings" folder would house any files used, including transcripts, recordings, slide decks, and supplemental materiels. For example:
"Allyship Panel - Jan 1 2022 - Transcript"
"Black History Month - Feb 1 2022 - Recording"
"What's in a Name - Mar 1 2022 - Slide Deck"
I updated the member-facing folder and file structure to match this as well.
The result of this project was a highly organized and searchable file management system. Unifying the structure and naming convention for the ERG increased leadership efficiency and provided a better user experience for members looking for specific content.
Demonstrated Skills
Analytical Skills | Process Mapping | Attention to Detail | Communication | Collaboration | Problem-Solving | Technical Proficiency | Quality Assurance