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Course Announcements

Online Course Announcements

This was an project was part of my role as an Adjunct Instructor for undergraduate online students.  The goal for this content was to


  1. Create user-friendly content for online students often in their first online course  

  2. Provide enough information and content without overwhelming students

  3. Set expectations for the weeks ahead and future terms.


Note: To comply with confidentiality agreements, I cannot provide visuals of or access to this content.


Tools: Microsoft Word, Canva, HTML, Brightspace Learning Management System

Online Course Announcements

Project Summary 


I taught an introduction to online learning course for new online students. Specifically they learned how to: 


  • take ownership of their educational journey

  • set SMART goals

  • manage their time

  • take constructive feedback

  • create a plan for their academic success


Part of my responsibilities were to create weekly announcements that informed students of what was coming up, how to ask for help, and provided context into each week's topic. In my first term teaching, I created my first version of announcements and saved them and their source code to a word document. 


The first thing I wanted to ensure in my announcements is that they were all consistent. I wanted students to look at each week and know which information was going to be where. I created 3 templates for each week. The first was an introduction, the second was a midweek check-in, and the last was a week end reminder. I created a "Week #" visual that I put at the top of each announcement. Each week had its own color scheme, but the size and font were the same. 


On top of the "Week #" visual, the "Beginning Week" announcement included 3 header visuals
-  "Introduction", "Assignments", and "Important Notes". 



In the Introduction





Outcome Here.


Demonstrated Skills: 


Creativity | Design-Thinking | User Experience Principles | Exceed Expectations |

Plain Language Concepts | Logical Thinking |Research | Analysis | Written Communication |

Problem-Solving | Critical Thinking | Attention to Detail | Empathy

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