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How-To Writing Sample

How to Make a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

This was an assignment for a Customer Experience Content Strategist & Knowledge Base Manager role at a cybersecurity software company. The main goal was to:


  1. Write an organized and clear process of how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (PB&J) so that a true beginner could understand it.


Note: To maintain confidentiality, I changed the company name and company-specific content.  


Tools: Microsoft Word

Project Summary 


For this project, I undertook the challenge of transforming a technical process into an accessible and understandable format. The task assigned to me was to craft a comprehensive knowledge article on a seemingly mundane topic: "How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich." Recognizing the importance of clear communication and user-friendly content, I approached the project with meticulous attention to detail. My goal was to translate a seemingly straightforward task into a step-by-step guide that could be easily followed by individuals with varying levels of proficiency.


The process began with thorough research into the process and knowledge

management principles. Drawing upon my expertise in content strategy and multimedia production, I developed a structured framework for the knowledge article. Each step of the sandwich-making process was carefully dissected and articulated in simple language, devoid of technical jargon.


To enhance comprehension and engagement, I integrated helpful images and visuals throughout the document. These visual aids served to reinforce key concepts and provide clear guidance to the reader. By combining textual explanations with visual representations, I ensured that the content was accessible to a wide audience, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience.


The final knowledge article represented a successful fusion of technical expertise and user-centered design. It not only fulfilled the requirements of the task but also demonstrated my ability to effectively communicate complex concepts in a simple and engaging manner. Through this project, I showcased my proficiency in content strategy, knowledge management, and multimedia production, positioning myself as a valuable asset to the cybersecurity company's content team. 




The successful transformation of a technical process into an accessible and user-friendly format.

Demonstrated Skills 


Written Communication | Visual Design | Research | User Experience Design | Attention to Detail | Technical Skills | Editing and Proofreading | Adaptability | Testing and Iteration | Creativity

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