Case Study Sample
Internet Marketing Platform Case Study
This was an assignment for a Knowledge & Content Specialist role at an internet marketing platform company that supports the healthcare sector. There were 3 goals:
Detail every document the company should require CNAs in Pennsylvania (PA) to provide to work with them;
Review an archived knowledge base article, identify the main issues with it, and document the steps of how I would improve it;
Create a simplified flow chart that demonstrates the above process to the intended audience.
Note: To maintain confidentiality, I changed the company name and company-specific content.
Tools: Microsoft Word and Canva
Part One:
Required Documents & Process
Requiring drug and COVID tests for all HCPs would make the process easier for the medical facilities that require them but puts an undue burden on HCPs who don't work at those facilities.
A rationale tailored to the company's needs that underscore the necessity of balancing satisfaction and experience across two distinct customer bases.
Demonstrated Skills
Research | Analysis | Written Communication | Problem-Solving | Critical Thinking |
Attention to Detail | Discernment | Empathy | Ethical Consideration
Click Image to View Document
Project Summary
This first part of the project consisted of online research and common sense. Using my previous experience as an employee, the resources provided to me for the project, and the company's website, I identified much of the information I needed. I found requirements for PA on the state and State Boards of Nursing websites. I documented 8 required documents that the company should require for CNAs in PA. There were three documents, drug tests, COVID vaccine records, and COVID test results, that I felt were optional based on the medical facilities the CNAs would be working with.
Certain healthcare facilities require these tests, but not all. Because the company has two types of clients, healthcare providers (HCPs) and medical facilities, it is in their best interest to make the process for both types of clients as simple and user-friendly as possible.
Part Two:
Medical Test Review
Knowledge Base Article

Visual of Original
Project Summary
Next, I reviewed an archived company knowledge base article that showed customer-facing employees how to perform a tuberculosis result document review that HCPs must submit before using the company's service. I identified and documented the changes I would make to improve it. You can find that document at this link: Reynolds Article Review.
I went a step further and recreated the knowledge base article demonstrating the changes that I recommended. To view my revised article, click the first document image in this section.
Simplifying the look and language of the article were ​two of the key changes I made. The original article (the second document image in this section) has two columns scrunched together with irrelevant borders and big blocks of complicated text. This makes the document overwhelming and confusing to the reader. They won't know where to start or what the key points of the article are. In my version of the article, the information is in one column, spaced out so as not to overwhelm, and only has borders around tables.
Another major issue I addressed was the lack of instructions on how to review the tests. The original article dictates tips and things to remember, which doesn't provide insight into how to go about reviewing the tests. In my version of the article, I added a short, 2-sentence overview of when to use the article and the impact it has on the organization. I identified that there are facilities that follow a different process and directed them to a separate article so if they are looking for information on those, they don't waste time reading the current one. And lastly, I organized the information in a simple, step-by-step process with specific instructions. I did this so that any specialist, regardless of tenure at the organization, could follow the instructions with limited difficulty.
Lastly, I removed information that was irrelevant to the bare bones process. Instead, I referenced and added clickable links that would bring the specialist to more detailed information about that topic. Linking to that information elsewhere keeps the article streamlined and easy to follow.
The successful identification and documentation of improvements in a company knowledge base article. The new article is more user-friendly and informative, tailored to the needs of customer-facing employees resulting in better support to customers.
Demonstrated Skills
Creativity | Design-Thinking | User Experience Principles | Exceed Expectations |
Plain Language Concepts | Logical Thinking |Research | Analysis | Written Communication |
Problem-Solving | Critical Thinking | Attention to Detail | Empathy
Part Three:
"How to Review a Tuberculosis (TB) Test"
Process Flowchart
Project Summary
For the last part of the project, I created a flowchart in Canva that simplifies the testing process mentioned above for customer-facing employees to review the documentation and walk healthcare professionals through what they must submit. My goal was to create a user-friendly, step-by-step visual that would engage employees. I provided the foundational steps in two ways:
Outcome ​
The creation of a simplified visual process that engaged customer-facing employees and was tailored to varying levels of expertise, making the task easier and more efficient.
​Demonstrated Skills
​Visualization | Adaptability | Logical Thinking | Creative Thinking | Canva | Design | User Experience Principles | Analysis | Written and Visual Communication | Problem-Solving | Attention to Detail

The colorful arrows provide the process in context of the specific test and language relevant to the test. I feel this visual works well for newer employees who are not familiar with the process and need additional information. It provides enough information so that they can follow the process but not overwhelm them with details that may only apply to complex situations. I would link to relevant documents using the corresponding text. The links would include:
The black rectangles underneath the arrows show even more simplified instructions on reviewing documents. I intend this process to be useful for more experienced employees who like a straightforward approach or need to jog their memory on the process. ​​In total I would reference 2 separate knowledge base articles, 2 charts, and a checklist. The article in Step 01 would stand alone and the rest of the information, charts, and checklist would be part of the same article linked to the specific section needed for each step.​